To:      Council

24 November 2021



Schedule of Meetings 2022-23

Executive Director: Delivery


1          Purpose of the Report


1.1          To seek approval to the proposed Schedule of Meetings 2022-23.



2          Recommendation


2.1       That the schedule of meetings 2022-23 as set out in the annex to this report be approved.



3          Reasons for the Recommendation


3.1       To enable arrangements for the next municipal year’s meetings to be put in place and assist members plan their diaries for the year ahead.



4          Alternative Options Considered


4.1       The timetable has been designed, as far as possible, to ensure that the schedule provides for meetings when decisions are required so that all matters are dealt with on a timely basis.  Adjustments could be made to the timetable but adjusting one meeting date is likely to have an impact on a number of others given the inter-relationship between meetings and the limited number of dates available throughout the year.



5          Supporting Information


5.1       The timetable has been drawn up having regard to the usual limitations:


·                     Avoiding meetings during the school holidays as far as possible.


·                     Leaving a gap of at least 8 days between meetings of the Executive and Council to allow time for the Executive report (and any recommendations) to be published either with the Council agenda or the next day. 


·                     Avoiding 7.30 meetings on Fridays.


·                     Scheduling each committee's meetings on the same day of the week throughout the year, as far as possible.


·                     Avoiding a gap of more than 5 weeks between meetings of the Planning Committee.


5.2       If the schedule is agreed, it is hoped that members will only seek to change these dates in exceptional circumstances as to do so inevitably causes problems for some people.  With a significant number of twin-hatted members, concerns have been expressed about clashes with parish and town council meetings.  By setting the dates for this Council’s meetings now, the parish and town councils have the opportunity to plan around our meetings.  It is therefore all the more important to avoid in-year changes unless absolutely necessary so that potential clashes can be avoided.


5.3       Council is accordingly invited to approve the schedule set out in the annex to this report.

6          Consultation and Other Considerations

Legal Advice

6.1       Not sought.

Financial Advice

6.2       Not sought.

Other Consultation Responses

6.3       The representation received are reflected in the proposed schedule.

Equalities Impact Assessment

6.4       Not applicable.

Strategic Risk Management Issues

6.5       Not applicable.

Climate Change Implications

6.6       The recommendations in Section 2 above are expected to have no impact on emissions of CO2 as it is maintaining a similar programme of activity to 2021-22.


Background Papers



Contact for further information

Derek Morgan, Democratic Services: 01344 352044